ENGLISH التسجيل الدفع دخول دخول الدول الأعضاء

ملف الخليج الاحصائي 2013 (Edition : 2013)

التقييم الحالي  
( يرجى تقييم هذه الوثيقة)

:المؤلف : GOIC IMI Department

نشرت في: Jul-2014

لغة الوثيقة: English, Arabic

نوع الوثيقة: التقارير الصناعية

الدولة: QATAR

فئة :


السعر (دراسة كاملة ) : مجاني

السعر ( ملخص ) : NA

or اتصل بنا


مقتطفات من الكتاب:


This profile contains basic industrial and socio-economic data for the GCC region. It is divided into six main sections,containing 86 tables, as follows :

1. Selected Economic and Social Indicators for 2012.

2. National Accounts Statistics, which contain 11 tables on GDP, expenditure on GDP, Gross Fixed Capital Formation,along with 6 tables on government revenue and expenditure, commercial banks credit, and loans from Development Banks and Funds .

3. Foreign Trade Statistics , which contain 10 tables on total exports and imports classified by SITC code, country, and country groups.

4. Energy and Industry Statistics, subdivided into two sub-sections. One is on Energy and contains 10 tables on oil and gas reserves, production, exports and consumption. The other section is on Industry and contains 21 tables extracted from the GID database in addition to a table on water consumption in GCC countries.

5. Population and Labor Force Statistics, containing 23 tables, seven of which are aggregated at the GCC level, while the remaining 16 are presented at country level. Data in these country-level tables cannot be aggregated because of differences in structure , coverage, time-frames, etc. These tables are based either on census data or estimates of central statisticalorganization in each country .

6. Selected Social Development Indicators presented in three tables .

In addition to tables, the profile contains a number of charts and graphs to facilitate quick reference, analysis and visual perception.

Data presented are basically extracted from a number of computerized databases available at GOIC. These include the Socio-Economic Database and the Gulf Industries Database (GID). These databases are regularly updated with data obtained directly from industrial firms, or from national statistical departments or their official publications. In case data is not available from national sources, resort is usually made to United Nations publications, as well as to the publications of other regional and international organizations .

For additional data and information from these databases, contacts

may be made directly with Industrial Information Department

Tel: ( 974) 44858709

Fax: ( 974) 44858710

E-mail: imi@goic.org.qa

website: www.imi.goic.org.qa

Cover Image
ملف الخليج الاحصائي 2014

نشرت: Sep-2015

السعر (دراسة كاملة ) : 149 QAR      السعر ( ملخص ) : 0 QAR

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